Most Chinese eat a cockroach as a main food in a dinner

Most Chinese eat a cockroach as a main food in a dinner 

Cockroach farming is booming in China as the country looks for new, cheaper medicines for its rapidly ageing population. The correct way to eat a cockroach, at least in this corner of northern China, is to fry it not once but twice in a wok of smoking hot oil. 

Cockroaches are omnivorous and considered opportunistic feeders, which means they will eat almost anything - wherever and whenever they find it. Cockroaches enjoyed delicious human foods to pet food, from waste materials to dead plants or animals which all these can be easily found at your home.
Do China people eat cockroach?
They are usually ground and stuffed into pills and advertised as a cure for all manner of stomach, heart, and liver ailments. In recent years, they have become a staple in Chinese medicine shops here, promising wondrous results. Cockroach medicine is having something of a  china

What happens if we eat food with cockroach?
Cockroaches can contaminate food with their waste and saliva which contains bacteria that can cause food poisoning, diarrhea, and Staphylococcus infections. ... As far as the diseases that cockroaches can spread, they can pick up Salmonella on their legs and deposit it to food, which can cause food poisoning if ingested. 

Why do Chinese eat snake?
Folk medicine

It is also widely believed among the Chinese people that snake soup is a "warming" food, which heats up the body (or gives it yang which can balance the "cooling" yin during the winter season.


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